X'mas this time is fun, good and most importantly (for me) communicative. I have my Bro-in-law and family this time to end my current year and to begin my next year with loads of fun and love and may be, most importantly to think about something nice and positive(surrounded with negative vibes all the time was blocking my capacity to think and feel good) .I feel happy and relaxed and enjoying myself. Last time (3months ago) when they left they gave me a whole lot of merry moments as some vitamin tablets for my survival .And i am over and above joyful and thankful to GOD for sending them back for my benefit and happiness. I really don't have anything more to ask. As i am realizing very often that even in my toughest times and especially when i am completely about to loose my hope, i am gifted and surrounded with some of the best things that would just vanish my pain and leave me with happiness to hold back. Thank u god...thank u so so much for loving me and still holding me . This the bestest gift Santa gave me....and i now know for sure that i can happily say good-bye to year 2010...without any regrets....
Merry X'mas and Happy New year......:)
Merry X'mas and Happy New year......:)